Hi again!!

It’s been a while since I tell you that I have a lot of things to hang on to the blog and what I would do during the summer. It’s been summer time and finally I have not had time to update it with all my creations. So with this entry I want to update all the Portfolio and from there begin to develop new projects, which are not a few that I have in my mind!

As I have mentioned in other entries, patchwork and quilting are techniques that can be used in many elaborations, not just quilts (blankets with a patchwork top and a padded). Here you can see many of these projects where these techniques are used and have a multitude of utilities.

Let’s start …

House – Quilts

Given the need for a crib protector for my daughter I made my first quilt, a puff quilt, a quilt where the squares are filled with cotton or wool. It was a challenge because I had never produced a quilt, but little by little and looking at tutorials I got it. With cotton fabrics with pink tones, I made all the individual squares, each filled with old matting wool, joined together, then a cloth in the back and a bass to finish it. For being the first time I did one of these things it was not bad !!

Another of the first creations of patchwork and quilt I made were rectangular mug rugs to make a gift of kings to a special person for me. The designs are completely mine, with geometric drawings and combining the same fabrics, with which I wanted to give them a modern look. The upper parts are made with various patchwork techniques, then padded with a cotton shawl and a loneta at the back, with free padding, and finished with a bass.

In order to practice a little more and to make a gift to my godmother, also in my beginnings in the patchwork, I developed a “mat” to put on a table. It is made with some antique fabrics that I had given her, with patchwork and a biede all around.

Children’s entertainment

One of the classifications that I have made of my elaborations are those of children’s entertainment. In this section I had already shown many things (dresses, zippered cases and names, banners, children’s curtains, crocodile and cloth bags), but I have many others … and with children at home this type of stitch gives much game.

The first thing that I want to present to you today is my latest elaborations related to my children’s room. I recently showed you the fabric bags for tea and clothes that I made for my daughter and nephew. You can see them here.

For the start of my young child’s school and in the face that I did not find any backpack that would fit my tastes, especially if you did not advertise cartoon bosses or other commercial brands, I decided to make my own self backpack. It is a complicated task, since it was practically the first time that it mounted a backpack so complex. But finally I went out and here it is. It is the typical backpack with ankles and zipper for a lifetime.

They asked us to take a pillow in order to be able to get hold of them at the time of relaxation, as they did when I was my eldest daughter. And since we are a sentimental, I wanted to make them myself with elements that give them peace of mind and remind them at home. For this reason, I made the two pillows in a similar way, to one side by placing vertical strokes recalling the rainbow and some figures applied, my daughter’s handmaid, some pennants and her name, and the one of my son stars with a rocket and his name. On the back, the two carry the hands of the whole family applied with cloth, in the first version only the contour of the hand, and in the last, the hands as if they were stamped with paint of hands.

The cases were another of these projects that I have produced several times since I started sewing. I had already shown the last ones I did with the name of the recipient in front of and behind the names of all classmates (you can see here).

The first of all I developed were some zippered cases to make gifts of kings to the nephews. They were made with a color blue loneta and blue horizontal stripes and a red vertical strip on the left side simulating the leaf of a notebook and the name of each embroidered by hand with red wool as if you are writing on the blade. It was also an experiment, as it was the first time I put up a case or bag …

Others are the rolling cases, which remain as a tube, to place the paintings one devour the other well ordered. I made a first simpler version at my beginnings, and another one more elaborate to give it to a friend of my daughter. This last one had on the outside applications of transverse stripes and stars of different colors, in the inner part a black cloth with stars (like the outer rays) and vertical twists of colors coming from the colors of the paintings that he had placed and a closure with an elastic and a button.

Continuing with the children’s entertainment, slate fabric is a type of fabric that gives a lot of play. It is a cloth that can be stitched like another, it can be written with plaster or on a blackboard and it is washed with a sponge on a bathed piece. With this type of fabric, I have done two projects: rolling slates and a work organizer to hang on the wall.

The fabric slate is made with an external loneta with applications (rolls and the name of the recipient), the slate in the interior, a pocket inside to store the plaster and the eraser, a bicycle around to finish -the and an elastic with a button to close it when it is rolled up.

The fabric organizer, which was a gift for an older boy, is designed so that it can be used to note the weekly class schedule, extracurricular activities or anything else that requires a grill. It is made from a central slate cloth on which I grilled with a few rounds of brown color, a frame with pieces of patchwok fabric and a transparent plastic on the left with different boxes where paper balls can be inserted with titles of the rows of the grid. On the back, there is a loneta and a buoy inside, all in order to give more solidity and ankles on top to hang it.

Lastly, I present you with a set of rings of fabric. This was one of my first elaborations when I got to sew, and a few cloth cuttings I had at home I saw a game for my little daughter. Here I still did not know how to make applications with physelin and I tried it as I could. But it is an elaboration to which I am very much appreciated because it was the beginning of this type of creative seam.

Children’s accessories

In the field of children’s complements, during the last two years I’ve done basically patchwork belts, which I had already shown and you can see here.

A mother in the little room had the idea to give her a puppet for her daughter in order to communicate things to the teacher, to return signed circulars, etc. We thought of putting a plastic on the front so that it could look good in the interior, the name applied to the back, some anxieties to hang it on the neck and not be lost and a zipper for close it After testing I made these cartridges …

Another thing that I have been doing, mainly because of need and in some cases to give away, has been the summer fabric hat, which are very good for children when they are in the sun. These hoods are made with a toner and a hardening tray in the visor so that it is well. As you can see they have a fabric of colors on the outside and a smooth finish on the inside. And they are made to be reversible, they can be rotated and worn on the part of the colors or the smooth part.

This entry has been a little long but I hope you liked to see all these creations. Remember that if you want to be informed about my future projects, you can subscribe to the news of the blog. I hope you can start showing new things, which are still cooked in the “oven”.

A hug to all and many thanks for reading!

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Uida Estelrich
Uida Estelrich
7 years ago

Ostres! He quedat bocabadada, m’ha encantat tot però sobretot els coixins per a fer la relaxació, són màgics!. Amb uns coixins així segur que tot seran energies positives. Felicitats per l’enginy i la creativitat.

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